Be generous with your attention, that you might dispel the loneliness and isolation that divide us. Be generous with your time and money. They go farthest when freed from your own hands. Make room for all the people—even the majority—that don’t think or act like you. Make an enemy of no one. Be humble. Let others speak. Let others rant. Give argument no mind. Your opinion alters no one’s. Be humble. Have abundant patience and trust, knowing that things change in ways you cannot imagine or predict. Recognize hate as fear, greed as poverty, and ignorance as our common plight. Have faith. Spread cheer. Do good. With an open heart and clear mind, vote. Everything you think, say, and do, however small, has a monumental consequence. Your influence is boundless, so take infinite care. You make all the difference in the world. Give it all you’ve got.

It’s so easy to forget that our influence never ends. Thank you for the reminder!
Comment by Doris Ivie, PhD — July 26, 2016 @ 1:28 pm
Thank you Karen. I hope it is okay that I printed this for my frig! I am a social worker and Buddhist and struggling with the ‘mind of argument’ even within myself in our current national discourse. I have been considering how to apply the six paramitas (if there is an unfamiliar reader – patience, generosity, discipline, energy, meditation, wisdom) to our collective moment. Thank you for expressing it so beautifully.
Comment by Amy Robertson — July 26, 2016 @ 1:49 pm
? Thank you.
Comment by Gretchen Staebler — July 26, 2016 @ 2:59 pm
“Do good quietly.”
Thank you. ?
Comment by Marcea — July 26, 2016 @ 3:40 pm
“…Your influence is boundless, so take infinite care.”
Comment by Mary Sherman — July 26, 2016 @ 7:16 pm
There don’t seem to be enough good words to go around to sooth & soften & heal & help us all to navigate the rough cruel seas of our present journey.Yours are always received as medicine that’s kind & easy to take & so very effective.
Comment by daisy marshall — July 26, 2016 @ 8:34 pm
Thank you. Holding this close as I prepare to face family that called me racial slurs because I support ALL people and am teaching my kids to do the same. XO
Comment by Shawn — July 27, 2016 @ 1:18 pm
as always, so grateful for your clear and true offerings here.
Comment by Debra Benfield — July 28, 2016 @ 5:54 am
Make an enemy of no one” I’ve learned this from you. There is so much doubt in the world, we need your wisdom in this election time. You guide me to look deeply into reality, thank you Maezen! Take good care!
Love to you!
Comment by Rosie Sevilla — July 28, 2016 @ 1:02 pm
“Be generous with your time and money. They go farthest when freed from your own hands.”
You know how you can read something but on a second or third time through it really hits you? This has made me really rethink my feelings towards the amount of time that my parents are needing from me with their descent into Alzheimers. Thank you as always for a different perspective.
Comment by Nathan Hayes — August 2, 2016 @ 4:57 pm
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