Lame ducks and tailfeathers

December 4th, 2008

Every day seems like one more past due the time for lame ducks to fly south. And north and east and west. To all the lucky ducks who know what I’m flapping about, your webbed feats are now finally in flight.

And speaking of bills coming due, it’s time for me to give great thanks to the hosts of my most recent layovers.

To the gracious parents and staff at Palos Verdes Hills Nursery School: You gave me such a warm howdy-do to the feathered nest where I was hatched! Thank you for an evening encircled in love and attention.

To the good people of Kansas City’s Rime Buddhist Center: You must be the very kindest and open-hearted flock of Buddhists I’ve ever come across. This makes two times I’ve touched down in your lotus pond. And as sure as we warm-blooded breeds migrate, I’ll be back.

To the sweet circle of women gathered by this newfound soul sister: We shared ourselves and our stories over candlelight and tea (while the kids mattress surfed upstairs, no less!) We are indeed birds of a feather.

Thank you all for reassuring me, once again, that when we put ourselves in motion, we can’t help but fly.

Feather originally uploaded by erynnchelsey.


  1. Dear Lame Duck,

    Your luck is about to change! Somehow I missed the duck dispenser blog when you first flapped about it and couldn’t resist a quick comment…

    I’ll see your daily floss and raise you one…capful of peroxide, swished for a bit and then spit BEFORE you brush. Rinse with water. NOW, brush. Now, floss. Ta-Da!!! Much less gunk to floss!! And you’ll have visibly whiter teeth to boot! A daily must, or so my dentist says. My teeth couldn’t agree more. And now we can all cut the heart out of the expensive whitening treatments we’ve been paying for, too.

    And my tailfeathers were ruffled today, too, as my two ducklings came home with their fun – raiser prizes today…My favorite: the ever popular “6 ways to get out of a phone call” electronic noise-maker with handy recordings like “Delivewee!!! Chinese food!” Or how about the recorded sound of static or, even better, a car crashing into your house played over and over and over again endlessly everywhere you go because of the handy chain that attaches to your son’s pants so easily.

    Alas, one final note, the QSP fun- raiser man has cut the heart out of his fun. He now says he can no longer afford to take a bunch of kids away from school to Chuck E. Cheese in a limo for half the day. Let’s all flap some hallelujah feathers for that one! Now, if we could just get him to lose the noisemakers…


    Comment by Melissa Moore — December 4, 2008 @ 7:22 am

  2. This post reminded me of something I loved and used to read allot:

    Because I fly
    I laugh more than other men
    I look up an see more than they,
    I know how the clouds feel,
    What it’s like to have the blue in my lap,
    to look down on birds,
    to feel freedom in a thing called the stick…

    who but I can slice between God’s billowed legs,
    and feel then laugh and crash with His step
    Who else has seen the unclimbed peaks?
    The rainbow’s secret?
    The real reason birds sing?
    Because I Fly,
    I envy no man on earth.

    — Grover C. Norwood

    Comment by Cat — December 4, 2008 @ 3:33 pm

  3. You know, there is a Buddhist center in Oklahoma. I’m just saying . . .

    Comment by Mama Zen — December 4, 2008 @ 7:01 pm

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